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Full text of "Descendants of Walter Haynes and Peter Noyes, of Sudbury, Mass."

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3  1833  03109  1553 






115  High  Street, 


Reprinted  from  N.  England  Historical  and  Genealogical  Register  for  Jan., 



The  following  facts  were  obtained  for  the  greater  part  from  a 
copy  of  an  old  manuscript,  the  original  of  which  was  written  by 
John  Haynes  (b.  1684)  describing  the  families  of  his  great  grand- 
parents Walter  Haynes  and  Peter  Noyes,  who  came  to  this  country 
together  and  located  in  Sudbury.  This  was  written  later  than  1772, 
since  it  gives  that  date,  and  was  probably  prepared  when  the  writer 
of  the  original  was  nearly  90  years  of  age.  The  manuscript  was 
found  among  the  papers  of  his  grandson  Samuel  Haynes  (b.  1737) 
by  the  latter's  grandson  Wm.  F.  Haynes,  and  a  copy  was  made  by 
his  cousin  Clark  Lewis  Haynes  (b.  1807)  the  grandfather  of  the 
present  writer,  Frederick  Haynes  Newell. 

Savage's  Genealogical  Dictionary  gives  many  of  the  more  impor- 
tant of  these  names  and  dates,  and  a  comparison  shows  a  remarkably 
close  agreement  in  details.      The   old   manuscript,   however,    gives 
much  information  of  the  fourth  generation   and  children   succeeding 
— facts  not  otherwise  recorded  so  far  as  has  been  ascertained.       For 
historical   narrative   concerning  Walter  Haynes,   Peter  Noyes  and 
their  sons,  reference  should  be  made  to  the  History  of  Sudbury, 
Mass.,  by  Alfred  Serano  Hudson,  published  by  the  town  in  1889. 
1.     Walter1  Haynes  was  born  in    England  in    1583,  in   the   town   of 
Sutton,  Mancleville,  county  of  Wilts.*     He  also  owned  a  house  and 
out-buildings  in  the  village   of  Shaston,  situated   in    the   island  of 
Purbeck,  in  the  south-eastern  portion    of   Dorsetshire.       He,   with 
family  and  servants,  arrived  in   Boston  in   1638,  in  ship  Confidence 
(see  Savage,  also  Register  vol.  ii.  p.  108).     In  the  same  ship  came 
Peter  Noyes,   yeoman,   of  Penton,  county  of   Southampton,   with 
children  and  servants. 

AV alter  Haynes  was  a  linen  weaver,  and  was  55  years  of  age 
when  he  came  to  this  country.  About  a  year  after  his  arrival,  he 
with  others  removed  from  Watertown,  having  obtained  a  grant  for 
a  township  named  Sudbury,  where  they  settled  Dec.  22,  1639.  He 
was  made  freeman  1640,  was  representative  in  the  years  1641,  1644, 
1648  and  1651,  and  was  one  of  the  Selectmen  of  Sudbury  for  ten 
years.  He  died  Feb.  14,  1665,  aged  82.  (See  Whitman's  History 
of  the  Ancient  and  Honorable  Artillery   Company,    1842,  p.   97.) 

*  The  will  of  widow  Alice  Haynes  of  Semley ,  Wilts.,  mother  of  Walter  Haynes,  is  printed 
in  the  Register,  vol.  39,  pp.  263-4. — Editor. 

Nothing  is  known  of  his  wife  Elizabeth.       They  had  children  (date 
and  order  of  birth  not  known)  : 
i.  Thomas,2  d.  single. 

3.  ii.  Joiin,  b.  1621,  in  England;  m.  Dorithy,  daughter  of  Peter  Noyes. 

4.  iii.  Josiah,  m.  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Peter  Noyes. 

iv.  Suffrance,  m.  Josiah  Treadaway  of  Water'town,  and  had  children, 
v.  Mary,  m.  Thomas  Noyes ;  no  children. 

vi. ,  m.  Roger  Gourd  and  remained  in  England,  inheriting  the 

house  of  Shaston  (probably  the  oldest  of  the  children) . 

2.  Peter1  Notes  came  from  England  1638,  in  the  same  ship  with  Wal- 

ter Haynes ;    brought  with  him  3  sons  and  3   daughters.*     He  was 
then  47  years  of  age.     His  children  were : 
i.  Thomas,2  m.  Mary,  daughter  of  Walter  Haynes ;  no  children. 

5.  ii.  Peter,  m. ;  had  6  children. 

iii.  Josephus,  d.  in  Barbadoes;  no  children. 

iv.  Dorithy,  was  12  years  of  age  when  she  came  to  New  England  1638  ; 

m.  John  Haynes. 
v.  Elizabeth,  m.  (1)  John  Freeman,  had  one  sou  Joseph3  and  a  daughter 

who  married  Thomas  Gats  ( ?)  of  Stow  and  had  several  children ; 

m.  (2)  Josiah  Haynes. 

6.  vi.  Abigail,  m.  Thomas  Plympton. 

3.  John2  Haynes  (  Walter1)  b.  1621,  in  England;    came  to  this  country 

when  16  y.  of  age,  one  year  before  his  father  Walter  Haynes  (says 
the  old  manuscript),  and  lived  at  Watertown  with  Cusion  (cousin?) 
Reed  (or  Rice)  in  the  year  1637.  He  was  freeman  1646,  repre- 
sentative 1668.  He  m.  Dorithy,  daughter  of  Peter  Noyes,  born  in 
England.     His  will  is  dated  Oct.  1,  1692.     Children: 

7.  i.  Elizabeth,7  b.  July  16,  1644 ;  m.  1666,  Henry  Balcom. 

8.  ii.  Mary,  b.  1647 ;  m.  Josiah  Howe. 

9.  iii.  John,  b.  May  4,  1649;  m.  Ruth  Ropar. 

iv.  Dorithy,  b.  1651  or  1652;  m.  Joseph  Freeman  of  Sudbury;  had  two 
sons  and  a  daughter,  i.  e.,  John  aud  Joseph  each  had  children,  aud 
Elizabeth  m.  but  had  no  children. 

10.  v.  Peter,  b.  April  7,  1654 ;  m."  Elizabeth  Reed  (or  Rice)  of  Marlboro', 
vi.  Joseph,  b.  Sept.  7,  1656  :  killed  in  youth  by  fall  of  a  tree. 

vii.  Thomas,  b.  1658 ;  died  young  of  a  fever :  unmarried. 

11.  viii.  James,  b.  April,  1660;  d.  Oct.  15,  1732;  m.  Sarah  Noyes. 

ix.  Daniel,  "  a  single  man  pressed  and  sent  a  soldier  to  the  eastward,  in 

the  year  1687  returned  back  as  far  as  Boston  and  so  died  in  1688." 
x.  Rachel,  m.  John  Lockard  of  Sudbury ;  no  children. 

12.  xi.  Ruth,  m.  Joseph  Noyes  of  Sudbury. 

13.  xii.  David,  b.  May  4,  16*71 ;  m.  Tabithy  Stone. 

4.  Josiah2  Haynes  (  Walter1)  born  in  England;  married  Nov.  13,  1646, 

Elizabeth,   daughter    of    Peter   Noyes,   widow   of  John    Freeman. 

They  had  children : 
i.  Josiah,3  b.  April  27,  1655 ;  m.  and  had  several  children, 
ii.  Caleb,  "  pressed  aud  so  sent  a  soldier  to  the  eastward,  and  there  died 

1687  a  single  man." 
iii.  Joshua,  in.  Ann  Easterbrook ;  had  3  sons  all  dying  young, 
iv.  Deborah,  m.  Jabez  Brown;  had  children  Sarah4  and  Josiah. 
V.  Abigail,  b.  Nov.  30,  1655(?)  ;  m.  Hopestill  Brown ;    had  children :    1. 

Prudence;4  2.  Edmund;  3.  Caleb;  4.  Elizabeth;  5.  Hopestill;  6.  Sarah; 
7.  Josiah ;  8.  Abigail. 

5.  Peter2  Noyes  (Peter1),  born  iu  England;  brought  over  by  his  father 

Peter  Noyes  in  ship  Confidence,  in  1638  ;  had  children: 

*  See  depositions  by  and  relating  to  Peter  Noyes  and  other  matters  in  the  Register, 
vol.  32,  pp.  407-10. -Editor. 

i.  Elizabeth,3  m. Hammond  of  Watertown ;  left  no  children. 

ii.  Mary,  m.  Geo.  Mountjoy :  had  (1)  Mary*;  (2)  Josiah;  (3)  Hannah. 
iii.  Dorothy,  m.  Samuel  Parris;  had  children: 

(1)  Dorithy  Parris*  m.  Hopestill  Brown;  no  children. 

(2)  Noyes  Parris,  d.  single. 

(3)  Samuel  Parris,  m.  Abigail  Fish;    several  children;    she  and  her 

children  dying,  he  m.  2d  another  Abigail  Fish  and  had  several 

(4)  Mary  Parris,  m.  Peter  Bent ;  several  children,  sons  and  daughters. 
iv.  Sarah,  m.  Thos.  Frink;  had  children: 

(1)  Sarah  Frink*  m. Bryant. 

(2)  Abigail  Frink,  m.  (another)  Bryant. 

(3)  Thomas  Frink,  had  "  collidge  learning,"  m.  Elizabeth  "Wright,  had 

several  children,  sons  and  daughters ;   he  was  settled  minister 
in  Rutland,  afterwards  at  Plymouth,  third  at  "Rutland  dis- 
v.  Esther,  m.  Thos.  Godfrey ;  had  sons  and  daughters, 
vi.  Peter,  went  to  England  1697;  died  of  small  pox  in  London,  unmar- 
ried, left  by  will  to  town  of  Sudbury,  for  use  of  the  poor,  the  mills 
in  Sudbury  called  the  "  new  mills." 

6.  Thomas  Plympton,  m.  Abigail2  Noyes,  daughter  of  Peter1  Noyes, 

brought  by  him  from  England  in  1638  ;  had  children : 
i.  Elizabeth3  Plympton,  b.  Dec.  23,  1658 ;  m.  May  31,  1683,  John  Locke 

of  Woburn ;  several  children.     (See  Book  of  Lockes,  p.  17.) 
ii.  Thomas3  Plympton,  b.  May,  1660;    d.  Aug.  1772,  aged  63  years,  "  of 

the  stone  " ;  unmarried, 
iii.  Peter3  Plympton,  b.  Feb.  1666;    d.  Aug.  14,  1743,  aged  78  "  of  the 

stone  " ;  m.  Abigail  Thompson ;  had  children : 

(1)  Abigail*  Plympton,  m.  Elijah  Smith;  had  sons  and  daughters. 

(2)  Jane  Plympton,  m.  Joseph  Curtis ;  several  children. 

(3)  TJiomas  Plympton,  b.  1723 ;     m.  Ruth  Thomas :   had  sons  and 

iv.  Jane3  Plympton,  m.  Joseph  Darby  of  Stow ;  no  children, 
v.  Abigail3  Plympton,  d.  single. 

vi.  Mary3  Plympton,  m.  Matthew  Stone  of  Sudbury ;  no  child, 
vii.  Hannah3  Plympton,  m. Park ;  no  children. 

7.  Henry  Balcom,  of  Charlestown,  m.   1666,   Elizabeth3  daughter  of 

John2  Haynes  (  Walter1).     See  Charlestown  Records. 
i.  John*  Balcom,  b.  about  1669;  d.  single  Aug.  28,  1743,  aged  74. 
ii.  Joseph  Balcom,  b.  about  1672;  m.  Tabitha  Newton  of  Marlboro;  had 

sons  and  daughters.     He  d.  Sept.  17,  1745,  aged  73. 
iii.  Elizabeth  Balcom,  m.  Garshom  Rice ;  had  sons  and  daughters. 

(See  Rice  Genealogy.) 

8.  Josiah  Howe,  Marlboro',  son  of  John  Howe,  m.  May  18,  1671,  Mary,3 

daughter  of  John2  Haynes  (  Walter1),  b.  1647;  had  children: 
i.  Mary4  Howe,  b.  1672 ;  d.  young, 
ii.  Mary  Howe  again,  1674 ;  d.  young, 
iii.  Josiah  Howe,  b.  1678 ;  m.  1st  Abigail  Bigh;  m.  2d Marrabla(?) ; 

had  several  children, 
iv.  Daniel  Howe,  b.  May  5,  1681 ;  m.  Cloyse ;  several  children, 
v.  Dorithy  Howe,  m.  John  Prescott  of  Lancaster;  several  children, 
vi.  Ruth  Howe,  b.  1684 :    m.  1st,  John  Bowker  of  Marlboro',  several 

children ;  2d, Cloyes  of  Framingham ;  no  children. 

9.  John3  Haynes  {John,2  Walter1)  of  Sudbury,  b.  May  4,  1649  ;  m.  June, 

1683,  Ruth,  daughter  of  John  Ropar  of  Charlestown.     She  was  b. 
April,  1655.     ("Two  of  her  brothers,  Ephraim  and  John,  with  two 

of  Ephraim's were  all  killed  by  the  Indians  at  Lancaster.") 

Children : 
14.  i.  John,4  b.  Aug.  14,  1684. 


ii.  Kuth,  b.  Mar.  4,  1686 ;  m.  Nov.  1732,  Joseph  Goodnow ;  no  children. 

iii.  Dorithy,  b.  March  29,  1687-8;  cl.  June  5,  a.  20,  single. 

iv.  Deborah,  b.  July  30,  1690 ;  m.  Ebenezer  Learnard  of  Oxford ;  several 

v.  Rachel,  b.  July  20,  1693 ;  m.  Jacob  Holmes  of  Worcester :  (1)  Josiah5 

Holmes,  d.  unmarried;    (2)    Mary  Holmes,  m.  Ephraim  Goodnow, 

no  children, 
vi.  Josiah,  b.  July  10,  1696;  m.  Persis  Knight  of  Sudbury;  children: 

(1)  Elizabeth,5  m.  Augustus  Moore  of  Sudbury;  several  children. 

(2)  Hoses,  b.  July  4,  1725;   drowned  Aug.  4,  1739,  a.  15,  in  Conant's 

mill  pond  in  Concord. 

(3)  Persis,  m.  Daniel  Stone  of  Eramingham ;  several  children. 

10.  Peter3  Hatnes  {John,'1  Walter1),  b.  in  Sudbury,  April  7,  1654;    m. 

Jan.  2,  1677,  Elizabeth  Rice  of  Marlboro';  had  children: 

i.  ,4  d.  young. 

ii.  Elizabeth,  m.  Ebenezer  Graves  of  Sudbury ;  several  children. 

iii.  ,  daughter,  cl.  young. 

iv.  Peter,  b.  June,  1685 ;  m.  Love  Sherman  of  Sudbury ;  several  children, 
v.  Joseph,  b.  1687;    m.  1st,  Dinah  King  of  Sudbury;    and  she  and  her 

children  dying  he  m.  2d,  Mary  Gats  of  Stow;  several  children, 
vi.  Mary,  m.  Hezekiah  Rice  (or  Reid)  of  Framingham ;  several  children, 
vii.  Sarah,  m.  Samuel  Moore  of  Framingham ;  several  children, 
viii.  Daniel,  m.  Lydia  Rupel  of  Woburn ;  sons  and  daughters.* 
ix.  Esther,  m.  Gashon  Reid  (or  Rice)  of  Worcester;  several  children. 
x.  Phineas,  b.  about  1700;  unmarried;  drowned  June,  1772,  a.  72. 

11.  James3  Hatnes  {John,2   Walter1),  born  April,  1660;   died  Oct.  15, 

1732,  aged  72;  married  Sarah  Noyes ;  had  children: 
i.  James,  m.  Susanna  Woodward;  had  one  child;  she  dying  he  m.  (2) 

Mary  Ragg;  had  two  sons, 
ii.  Sarah,  m.  Daniel  Noyes ;  several  children, 
iii.  Abraham,  d.  "withfltts";  unmarried, 
iv.  Rebecca,  m.  Samuel  Willis  of  Sudbury  ;  d.  in  childbed ;  no  children. 

v.  ? 

vi.  Abijah,  m.  Elizabeth  Smith;  several  sons  and  daughters. 

vii.  Thankful,  m.  Jabez  Puffer ;  had  :  (1)  James5  Puffer,  (2)  Josiah  Puffer. 

viii.  Dorithy,  m.  Samuel  Puffer;  had  one  daughter  aud  several  sons. 

12.  Joseph  Noyes  of  Sudbury,  m.   Ruth,3  daughter   of  John2  Haynes 

( Walter1),  had  several  children  who  died  young,  also: 
i.  Daniel,  m.  1st,  Sarah  Haynes,  several  children ;    she  dying  he  m.  2d, 

Sarah  Gott ;  several  children, 
ii.  Peter,  b.  May  22,  1700 ;  deacon  of  church  in  Sudbury ;  m.  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  John3  Clapp  (Nathaniel2,  Nicholas1).     See  Clapp  Gen- 
ealogy, p.  210.     She  dying,  he  m.  2d,  Keziah  Fish,  had  one  son 
named  Peter, 
iii.  Joseph,  m.  Elizabeth  Gilbert;  several  children. 

13.  Daniel8  Haynes  {John,2  Walter1),  born  in  Sudbury  May  4,   1671; 

m.  Tabithy  Stone  of  Framingham ;    had  several  children  all  dying 
young,  save  daughter : 
i.  Abigail,4  m.  Uriah  Moore ;  several  children  all  dying  save  one  son : 
(1)  David5  Moore,  m.  Hannah ,  aud  had  several  children. 

14.  John4  Haynes   (John?  John2  Walter1),  born  in   Sudbury  Aug.   14, 

1684;  m.  1st,  June  28,  1710  or  1711,  at  age  of  27,  Anna  Hubbard 
of  Hadley  (she  being  then  20  years  of  age).  She  had  four  children 
and  died' Feb.  14,  1716.  He  m.  2d,  July  2,  1725,  Tabithy  Cutler, 

*  Daniel  probably  had  son  Jonas,  grandson  Daniel,  great-grandson  Walter,  horn  1789, 
and  living  in  Brimfield,  Mass.,  at  age  of  102  (hi  1891).  This  latter  had  son  Dauiel  living  at 
Brim  field. 

i.  John,5  b.  1712 ;  m.  Mary  Taylor  of  Southboro'. 
15.      (1)  Samuel,*  b.  in  Sudbury  1737 ;  m.  Dolly  Hammond  of  Sudbury. 

ii.  Anna,  m.  Abner  Cutler  of  Kutland  (?)  ;  several  children. 

iii.  ,  died  in  infancy. 

iv.  ,     "     "        " 

Children  of  2d  wife : 

v.  Nahum,  b.  Aug.  24,  1726;  d.  Sept.  28,  1741,  a.  16. 

vi.  Tabatha,  m.  Elisha  Harrington  of  Holding;  several  children. 

15.  Samuel6  Haynes  {John,6  John,4  John,3  John,2  Walter1),  born  in  Sud- 

bury, 1737;  m.  Dolly  Hammond  of  Sudbury;  d.  May  6,  1725. 
i.  Polly,7  b.  1764. 

ii.  Susannah,  b.  1765.  ^  O^SD*-"^-*  r— 

iii.  "  b.  1767;  again.  JL«uM.  O^^O* 

iv.  Benjamin,  b.  1769. 

v.  Edward,  b.  1772  in  Sudbury;  m.  Nancy  Leeds  of  Dorchester. 
(1)    Wm.  F.s  Haynes. 
16.  vi.  John,  b.  Jan.  29,  1774,  at  Sudbury;    m.  1st,  Susannah  Smith;  m.  2d, 
Lydia  Jennison. 
vii.  Daniel,  b.  1776. 
viii.  Martin,  b.  1779. 
ix.  Hannah,  b.  1781. 

1 6.  John7  Haynes  (Samuel,5  John,5  John,4  John,3  John,2  Walter1 ),  born 

at  Sudbury  Jan.  29,  1774;  died  at  Newton  Jan.  25,  1859;  lived  at 
Sudbury,  Roxbury  and  Newton ;  m.  1st,  Susanna  Smith,  who  died 
Dec.  11,  1808;  m.  2d,  Lydia  Jennison;  d.  April,  1846.  No  chil- 
dren by  2d  wife. 

i.  Sarah,  b.  Dec.  14,  1797,  at  Eoxbury;  m.  Eeuben  Hunting. 

ii.  Maria,  b.  Oct.  10,  1799 ;  m.  I.  W.  Gorton. 

iii.  Susanna,  b.  May  7,  1801,  at  Medford;  m.  J.  Davenport;  shed.  1863. 

iv.  John,  b.  Dec.  30,  1802;  cl.  1868,  unmarried. 

v.  Salmon  Hazleton,  b.  April  18,  1805 ;  d.  1882,  unmarried. 

vi.  Clark  Lewis,  b.  Oct.  28,  1807;  d.  June  2,  1891;  m.  April  14,  1SJ5, 
Ann  Pierce.  Children:  (1)  Annie  Maria  (Newell).  (2)  Susan 
Francis.     (3)  Frederick.     (4)  Elizabeth  Clapp. 

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